Monday, November 21, 2011

Policies, Agreements, Court Rulings. Etc.. : Chapter 8

Throughout the road to Independence of the America's the Albany Plan of Union mentioned by Benjamin Franklin (to bring colonies together and create a system for collecting taxes) failed because colonies did not want to be united under a single colonial legislature. However, the Sugar Act and Currency Act of 1764 passed by Great Britain were made to pay the British 7 years war (British left in debt because of the war) and consisted to tax all molasses(sugar) and forbid the colonies to use paper money. Later on, another act was passed the Stamp Act in which was a law that every published document has to have a stamp. The Stamp Act affected all social classes. In contrast, the stamp act was token out because too many riots and boycotts (rebellions) were happening at the Americas and instead for the Stamp act helping the British it made it more difficult for George 3. The Declaratory Act replaced the Stamp Act by stating that Parliament can passed any act with in the colonies, basically just informing the colonies who has the power. Afterward the Townsend Act (Charles Townsend) was passed that taxed all British imports and let the British search anywhere desire for smuggled goods. The Colonies had enough and Massachusetts decided to send a letter (Massachusetts Circular Letter)  to colonies informing to begin boycotts the Townsend acts. When the rebellious Bostonians dumped the tea in form of a resistance; the British wanted their money ( from outcome of the Boston tea party) and passed the Intolerable (Coercive) Act closing down all ports causing for the America's not obtain any trading goods until the tea was pay for. Afterward, the Declaration of Independence a document sent to Great Britain declaring freedom from them  which lead to war  and in war a Franco-American Alliance was form uniting France and the colonist in one side against Britain by Benjamin Franklin. Finally the Treaty Of Paris 1783 after the war concluded the independence of the America's creating the United States.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Claudia,
    I will be in my classroom from 9:00 to 1:00, starting tomorrow, Tuesday, January 3 until Friday. Remember your responses to the review questions in the blog need to be at least 7 Sentences long, and need to include images, videos, or links to primary sources.

    As of this point you have not posted any responses scheduled for the break. Please follow through with your responsibilities.
    Hope you have had a good break.

    Ms. Ramirez
