Sunday, November 20, 2011

Events: Chapter 8

The road to independence was awaken when the Boston Massacre happen which was really a snow ball fight started by local Bostonians towards royal British soldiers causing 5 Bostonian deaths. Individuals in the colonies raged when they heard about the Boston Massacre  and became more rebellious and threw out all the tea imported by British causing the Boston Tea Party. All these rebellions started after the French-Indian War (British against the French). Off course King George's War happen before the 7 years war which was just a mini war for the empowerment of the French when reconstructing cities the French-Indian-War outbreaked. The Chesapeake Affair was a time when Leopard went to the Virginia Coast and was looking  for British abondance. The Battle of Yorktown happened in New York city during the Civil War. The XYZ Affair  later was established by John Adams building a navy.

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